Angel Philanthropists provide the fuel that supports these spiritual entrepreneurs and helps accelerate their innovative cultural start-ups that are changing the Jewish future around the world.

  • Are you someone who has built a business, sold it, and is now looking to build a better world using your experience, resources and knowledge?
  • Are you someone who loved what they did in business and now wants to continue to do the same things- but for something more purposeful and enduring?
  • Are you someone who wants to partner with a generation of young adults who are redefining Jewish identity around the world for the future?

RISHON can help you make an impact in the following ways:

Donate to a specific growth initiative from one of these start-ups

Donate to RISHON Global to support our work

Introduce us to others who can help our mission

"As a businessman much of my attention was always on return of investment, and as a philanthropist it is not any different. RISHON helps accelerate these cultural start-ups which are building a strong Jewish future- not just by building back forgotten communities- but also by helping to invest in our future Jewish leaders. Now thatโ€™s a good return on investment!"

Mark Solomon
Philanthropist and Entrepreneur

Dare to go global. Sign up to learn how you can get involved.


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